My Articles

05 Oct, 2022

Gagging Young Voices: The Unreasonable Nature of Our Digital Laws

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03 Jan, 2023

Infrastructure diplomacy in the context of South Asia and Bangladesh

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20 Mar, 2023

Why is US ambassador Haas so active?

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28 Apr, 2023

So long as DSA exists, free and fair elections are impossible

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11 May, 2023

What’s our priority in the Indo-Pacific Outlook?

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29 May, 2023

What democracy means to us

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30 May, 2023

Was the US visa policy against undemocratic actors necessary?

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01 Aug, 2023

Violence Cannot be The Only Language of Politics

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24 Aug, 2023

The New CSA: A Draconian Law Made More ‘Efficient’

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07 Sep, 2023

A Nation in Metamorphosis

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01 Oct, 2023

Peter Haas: The Short and Sweet Version of the Story

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06 Oct, 2023

Anti-press freedom claims absurd

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03 Nov, 2023

টাইম ম্যাগাজিনের রিপোর্টে প্রশংসা এবং সমালোচনা দুটোই আছে

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16 Nov, 2023

Crackdown, Groupthink, and The Dialogue That Didn’t Happen

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23 Nov, 2023

Consequences of bungled diplomacy

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12 Dec, 2023

Bangladesh-India relations: An increasingly complicated friendship

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03 Feb, 2024

Bangladesh’s geopolitical position provides for unique opportunities

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09 Feb, 2024

Misinformation and disinformation: A threat to democracy in Bangladesh

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15 Feb, 2024

Walking a tightrope or walking the plank?

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25 Apr, 2024

Our Civil Society Needs to Do More to Challenge Power Structures

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26 Jun, 2024

Saint or interloper: Haas and US foreign policy

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05 Sep, 2022

Peace, Stability in the Taiwan Strait Balanced on A Razor’s Edge

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31 Mar, 2021

Unrestricted access to net crucial for economy

In five decades since its birth, Bangladesh’s transition from being a country beset by famine, poverty, and cyclones to a middle-income country..

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06 Oct, 2023

Bangladesh’s prime minister pins re-election push on mega-projects

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